I've been trying to find exact words and my research isn't helping me.
Solutions I've found:
$query .= "WHERE text REGEXP '[[:<:]]($word)[[:>:]]'";
// OR
$query .= "WHERE MATCH(text) AGAINST('$word') ";
but neither are returning my matches.
I'm searching for stock symbols in my db (eg $aapl
). And using LIKE '%$word%'
will return $bac
if you search for $ba
You will want to use MySql Full Text Search functions to accomplish what you describe above.
MATCH AGAINST doesn't work exactly how you'd think it would.
This can be summarized by Casey Fulton as "...FULLTEXT searches only [return] anything if the number of results is less than 50% of the total table size..."
So instead, I'm searching for all the LIKEs and then filtering out exact words by a REGEX. I'm doing this to cut down on the process load for REGEX.
The following is my solution:
$likerows = "(SELECT * FROM `tweets` WHERE text LIKE '%$q%') AS likerows ";
$regexrows = "(SELECT * FROM $likerows WHERE text REGEXP('^.* $q .*$')) AS regexrows ";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $regexrows ";
I put spaces around the $q because I want to match a sentence-structured word (which is preceeded and followed by a space).
Also, I'm searching for "words" that start with $. This was an issue and here's what I did to solve that problem:
if(substr($q, 0, 1) == '$') $q = '\\\\' . $q; // you have to escape the backslash that escapes the $ -- it's nuts.
Best of luck.