I am new to XML and XSL. I am trying to take a XML strings generated by our vendor software and translate it into Excel format. The XML can have repeating Rows that each have a number of associated child Fields. The child Fields will always be the same from Row to Row, and in the same order, but may be different in different XMLs. The number of rows will change from file to file.
I have a feeling there is a for-each here, maybe nested, or using relational positions, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the querying functions. I've reviewed many samples, but every solution was tailored to the question, and I didn't find one where the desired output was like mine.
Any assistance, or a nudge in the right direction at least, would be appreciated.
Sample XML:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<RpcData SrcNm="SnapshotBuckets" SrcTyp="DIR" ClientID="000" LoanNo="0000000000" Borrower="" RsltCd="0">
<RepeatingFieldSet Nm="Hazard" Type="All Data" Count="3">
<Row Index="1">
<Fld Nm="Type">A</Fld>
<Fld Nm="AgentCode">TESTAP</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent City">ANYTOWN</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 1">APPLE</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 2">PICKERS</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 3">123 MAIN ST</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Phone">(718) 555-1212</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent State">AL</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent ZIP Code">00001</Fld>
<Row Index="2">
<Fld Nm="Type">B</Fld>
<Fld Nm="AgentCode">TESTBA</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent City">ANYTOWN</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 1">BANANA</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 2">BUNCHERS</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 3">456 MAIN ST</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Phone">(718) 555-1213</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent State">AK</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent ZIP Code">00002</Fld>
<Row Index="3">
<Fld Nm="Type">C</Fld>
<Fld Nm="AgentCode">TESTCH</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent City">ANYTOWN</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 1">CHERRY</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 2">PITTERS</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Desc Line 3">789 MAIN ST</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent Phone">(718) 555-1214</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent State">CA</Fld>
<Fld Nm="Agent ZIP Code">00003</Fld>
Desired Output:
Field 1 2 3 Type A B C AgentCode TESTAP TESTBA TESTCH Agent City ANYTOWN ANYTOWN ANYTOWN Agent Desc Line 1 APPLE BANANA CHERRY Agent Desc Line 2 PICKERS BUNCHERS PITTERS Agent Desc Line 3 123 MAIN ST 456 MAIN ST 789 MAIN ST Agent Phone (718) 555-1212 (718) 555-1213 (718) 555-1214 Agent State AL AK CA Agent ZIP Code 00001 00002 00003
XSL so far:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:processing-instruction name="mso-application"><xsl:text>progid="Excel.Sheet"</xsl:text></xsl:processing-instruction>
<Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">
<Cell>Business Name</Cell>
<xsl:for-each select="RpcData/RepeatingFieldSet/Row">
<xsl:value-of select="@Index"/>
<xsl:for-each select="RpcData/RepeatingFieldSet/*/Fld">
<xsl:value-of select="@Nm"/>
<xsl:for-each select="*">
<xsl:value-of select="."/>