drupal sql conditional clauses for multiple tables

2019-03-03 17:00发布


I have the below query for FAQ search module modified that works in Drupal 7, which searches in two tables: 1) title 2) body but don't manage to include one more.

$term = strip_tags(drupal_substr($_POST['keyword'], 0, 100));

$query = "SELECT DISTINCT fq.title, fq.nid
 FROM {node} AS fq, {field_data_body} AS f
 WHERE fq.title LIKE :term
 OR fq.type LIKE :term
 OR f.body_value LIKE :term
 AND f.entity_id = fq.nid";

$result = db_query($query, array(':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%',':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%',':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%'));

I'd like to add one more to include detailed questions field in the search, but I think the linking for nid is the issue? I tried putting both into a clause but seems to be wrong. Help Please :)

AND (fd.entity_id = fq.nid OR fb.entity_id = fq.nid)";

$term = strip_tags(drupal_substr($_POST['keyword'], 0, 100));
 $query = "SELECT DISTINCT fq.title, fq.nid
    FROM {node} AS fq, {field_data_field_detailed_question} AS fd, {field_data_body} AS fb
    WHERE fq.title LIKE :term
    OR fd.field_detailed_question_value LIKE :term
    OR fb.body_value LIKE :term
    AND (fd.entity_id = fq.nid OR fb.entity_id = fq.nid)";
 $result = db_query($query, array(':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%',':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%',':term' => '%%' . $term . '%%'));

 $string = "";
 while ($row = $result->fetchObject()) {
    $string .= "<a href='/" . drupal_get_path_alias('node/' . $row->nid) . "'>" . $row->title . "</a>"; }
echo $string;

UPDATE: Thanks to Syscall who helped me make his approach work (see chat).

I also managed to remove empty whitespace (by adding a new variable and using array_filter > I guess the issue was splitting whitespace and trim at the same time that array_map still created empty strings.) and adding a condition to exclude nodes not published via db_and() referencing n.status = 1.

    $terms = explode(' ', $term); // split using ' '
    $terms = array_map('trim', $terms); // remove unwanted spaces
     $termsfiltered = array_filter($terms);
    $or = db_or();
        foreach ($termsfiltered as $term) {
           $or->condition('fd.field_detailed_question_value', '%'.db_like($term).'%', 'LIKE');
            $or->condition('fb.body_value','%'.db_like($term).'%' , 'LIKE');
            $or->condition('n.title','%'.db_like($term).'%' , 'LIKE');
        $and = db_and()->condition('n.status','1' , 'LIKE');

$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->leftJoin('field_data_body' , 'fb', 'fb.entity_id=n.nid');
$query->leftJoin('field_data_field_detailed_question' ,'fd', 'fd.entity_id=n.nid');
$stmt = $query->execute(); // execute the query (returns the "statement" to fetch).

p.s. inserting var_dump($variabletodump); was really helpful while changing the code and viewing the effects of the arrays to solve issues.


You cannot chain leftJoin (or any join) in Drupal queries, because leftJoin() returns the alias, not the query. Then you should use execute() to "run" the query.

$or = db_or()
  ->condition('fd.field_detailed_question_value', '%'.db_like($term ).'%', 'LIKE')
  ->condition('fb.body_value','%'.db_like($term ).'%' , 'LIKE');

$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->leftJoin('field_data_body' , 'fb', 'fb.entity_id=n.nid');
$query->leftJoin('field_data_field_detailed_question' ,'fd', 'fd.entity_id=n.nid');
$stmt = $query->execute(); // execute the query (returns the "statement" to fetch).

while ($row = $stmt->fetchObject()) {

You have to add fields :

$query = db_select('node', 'n')->fields('n');


$query = db_select('node', 'n')


$or = db_or()
  ->condition('fd.field_detailed_question_value', '%'.db_like($term ).'%', 'LIKE')
  ->condition('fb.body_value','%'.db_like($term ).'%' , 'LIKE');

$results = db_select('node', 'n')
  ->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))
  ->leftJoin('field_data_body' , 'fb', 'fb.entity_id=n.nid')
  ->leftJoin('field_data_field_detailed_question' ,'fd', 'fd.entity_id=n.nid')


db_select documentation

db_or documentation