
Audio Player: Constant playing

2019-03-03 16:27发布


I am building a radio website for a friend of mine. Is it possible to make the player keep playing and do not interrupt when navigating/reloading the website (the audio player's source is the link of the stream server, I am using html5 player)? Interrupting is very annoying. The last solution would be adding it on a popup window but that guy wants the visitors have the website opened (I dont really know why). What I have tried so far: added the player in a new web page, and inserted it in the radio website via iframe but with no results. Thanks in advance!

The radio website is on WordPress (I don't think this matters, just saying)


You can create your own audio player and freez it or use the below audio player plugin for your reference. http://wordpress.org/plugins/audiobar/

标签: audio player