Has anyone EVER managed to use a windows 8 app to copy files from a unc dir to a local dir ?
According to the official documentation here
It is possible to connect to a UNC path
I am using the std FILE ACCESS sample and have changed one line of code to read as below I have added all the capabilities Added .txt as a file type The UNC path is read write to everyone and is located on the same machine..
But I keep getting Access Denied Errors.
Can anyone possibly provide me with a working example This is driving me mad and really questioning the whole point of win 8 dev for LOB apps.
private async void Initialize()
//sampleFile = await Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.DocumentsLibrary.GetFileAsync(filename);
string myfile = @"\\ALL387\Temp\testfile.txt";
sampleFile = await Windows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(myfile);
catch (FileNotFoundException)
// sample file doesn't exist so scenario one must be run
catch (Exception e)
var fred = e.Message;