Exception messages in English?

2019-01-01 04:50发布


We are logging any exceptions that happen in our system by writing the Exception.Message to a file. However, they are written in the culture of the client. And Turkish errors don\'t mean a lot to me.

So how can we log any error messages in English without changing the users culture?


This issue can be partially worked around. The Framework exception code loads the error messages from its resources, based on the current thread locale. In the case of some exceptions, this happens at the time the Message property is accessed.

For those exceptions, you can obtain the full US English version of the message by briefly switching the thread locale to en-US while logging it (saving the original user locale beforehand and restoring it immediately afterwards).

Doing this on a separate thread is even better: this ensures there won\'t be any side effects. For example:

  System.IO.StreamReader sr=new System.IO.StreamReader(@\"c:\\does-not-exist\");
catch(Exception ex)
  Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); //Will display localized message
  ExceptionLogger el = new ExceptionLogger(ex);
  System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(el.DoLog);
  t.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(\"en-US\");

Where the ExceptionLogger class looks something like:

class ExceptionLogger
  Exception _ex;

  public ExceptionLogger(Exception ex)
    _ex = ex;

  public void DoLog()
    Console.WriteLine(_ex.ToString()); //Will display en-US message

However, as Joe correctly points out in a comment on an earlier revision of this reply, some messages are already (partially) loaded from the language resources at the time the exception is thrown.

This applies to the \'parameter cannot be null\' part of the message generated when an ArgumentNullException(\"foo\") exception is thrown, for example. In those cases, the message will still appear (partially) localized, even when using the above code.

Other than by using impractical hacks, such as running all your non-UI code on a thread with en-US locale to begin with, there doesn\'t seem to be much you can do about that: the .NET Framework exception code has no facilities for overriding the error message locale.


You can search for the original exception message at unlocalize.com


A contentious point perhaps, but instead of setting the culture to en-US, you can set it to Invariant. In the Invariant culture, the error messages are in English.

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

It has the advantage of not looking biased, especially for non-American English speaking locales. (a.k.a. avoids snide remarks from colleagues)


Windows needs to have the UI language you want to use installed. It it doesn\'t, it has no way of magically knowing what the translated message is.

In an en-US windows 7 ultimate, with pt-PT installed, the following code:

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(\"pt-PT\");
string msg1 = new DirectoryNotFoundException().Message;

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(\"en-US\");
string msg2 = new FileNotFoundException().Message;

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(\"fr-FR\");
string msg3 = new FileNotFoundException().Message;

Produces messages in pt-PT, en-US and en-US. Since there is no French culture files installed, it defaults to the windows default (installed?) language.


Here is solution that does not require any coding and works even for texts of exceptions that are loaded too early for us to be able to change by code (for example, those in mscorlib).

It may not be always applicable in every case (it depends on your setup as you need to be able to create a .config file aside the main .exe file) but that works for me. So, just create an app.config in dev, (or a [myapp].exe.config or web.config in production) that contains the following lines for example:

    <assemblyBinding xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1\">
        <assemblyIdentity name=\"mscorlib.resources\" publicKeyToken=\"b77a5c561934e089\"
                          culture=\"fr\" /> <!-- change this to your language -->

        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=\"\" newVersion=\"999.0.0.0\"/>
        <assemblyIdentity name=\"System.Xml.resources\" publicKeyToken=\"b77a5c561934e089\"
                          culture=\"fr\" /> <!-- change this to your language -->

        <bindingRedirect oldVersion=\"\" newVersion=\"999.0.0.0\"/>

      <!-- add other assemblies and other languages here -->


What this does is tell the framework to redirect assembly bindings for mscorlib\'s resources and System.Xml\'s resources, for versions between 1 and 999, in french (culture is set to \"fr\") to an assembly that ... does not exists (an arbitrary version 999).

So when the CLR will look for french resources for these two assemblies (mscorlib and System.xml), it will not find them and fallback to English gracefully. Depending on your context and testings, you might want to add other assemblies to these redirects (assemblies that contains localized resources).

Of course I don\'t think this is supported by Microsoft, so use at your own risk. Well, in case you detect a problem, you can just remove this configuration and check it\'s unrelated.


I know this is an old topic, but I think my solution may be quite relevant to anyone who stumbles across it in a web search:

In the exception logger you could log ex.GetType.ToString, which would save the name of the exception class. I would expect that the name of a class ought to be independent of language and would therefore always be represented in English (e.g. \"System.FileNotFoundException\"), though at present I don\'t have access to a foreign language system to test out the idea.

If you really want the error message text as well you could create a dictionary of all possible exception class names and their equivalent messages in whatever language you prefer, but for English I think the class name is perfectly adequate.


Setting Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture will be used to localize the exceptions. If you need two kinds of exceptions (one for the user, one for you) you can use following function to translate the exception-message. It\'s searching in the .NET-Libraries resources for the orignal text to get the resource-key and then returns the translated value. But there\'s one weakness I didn\'t find a good solution yet: Messages, that contains {0} in resources will not be found. If anyone have a good solution I would be grateful.

public static string TranslateExceptionMessage(Exception E, CultureInfo targetCulture)
        Assembly a = E.GetType().Assembly;
        ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(a.GetName().Name, a);
        ResourceSet rsOriginal = rm.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
        ResourceSet rsTranslated = rm.GetResourceSet(targetCulture, true, true);
        foreach (DictionaryEntry item in rsOriginal)
            if (item.Value.ToString() == E.Message.ToString())
                return rsTranslated.GetString(item.Key.ToString(), false); // success

    catch { }
    return E.Message; // failed (error or cause it\'s not intelligent enough to locale \'{0}\'-patterns


I would imagine one of these approaches:

1) The exceptions are only ever read by you, i.e. they are not a client feature, so you can use hardwired non localised strings that won\'t change when you run in turkish mode.

2) Include an error code eg. 0X00000001 with each error so that you can easily look it in up in an english table.


CultureInfo oldCI = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture (\"en-US\");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture=new CultureInfo(\"en-US\");
  System.IO.StreamReader sr=new System.IO.StreamReader(@\"c:\\does-not-exist\");
catch(Exception ex)
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = oldCI;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = oldCI;


Tks :)


The .NET framework comes in two parts:

  1. The .NET framework itself
  2. The .NET framework language packs

All texts (ex. exception messages, button labels on a MessageBox, etc.) are in English in the .NET framework itself. The language packs have the localized texts.

Depending on your exact situation, a solution would be to uninstall the language packs (i.e. tell the client to do so). In that case, the exception texts will be in English. Note however, that all other framework-supplied text will be English as well (ex. the button labels on a MessageBox, keyboard shortcuts for ApplicationCommands).


I have had the same situation, and all answers that I found here and elsewhere did not help or were not satisfying:
Force exceptions language in English
C# - Getting Exception messages in English when the application is in another language?
How to change Visual Studio exception message language to English while debugging
How to handle translation of exception message?
How to completely avoid localized .NET exception messages

The Thread.CurrentUICulture changes the language of the .net exceptions, but it does not for Win32Exception, which uses Windows resources in the language of the Windows UI itself. So I never managed to print the messages of Win32Exception in English instead of German, not even by using FormatMessage() as described in
How to get Win32Exception in English?

Therefore I created my own solution, which stores the majority of existing exception messages for different languages in external files. You will not get the very exact message in your desired language, but you will get a message in that language, which is much more than you currently get (which is a message in a language you likely don\'t understand).

The static functions of this class can be executed on Windows installations with different languages: CreateMessages() creates the culture-specific texts
SaveMessagesToXML() saves them to as many XML files as languages are created or loaded
LoadMessagesFromXML() loads all XML files with language-specific messages

When creating the XML files on different Windows installations with different languages, you will soon have all languages you need.
Maybe you can create the texts for different languages on 1 Windows when you have multiple MUI language packs installed, but I haven\'t tested that yet.

Tested with VS2008, ready to use. Comments and suggestions are welcome!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Xml;

public struct CException
  public CException(Exception i_oException)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    m_oCultureInfo = null;
    m_sMessage = null;

  public CException(Exception i_oException, string i_sCulture)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    { m_oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(i_sCulture); }
    { m_oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; }
    m_sMessage = null;

  public CException(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    m_oException = i_oException;
    m_oCultureInfo = i_oCultureInfo == null ? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture : i_oCultureInfo;
    m_sMessage = null;

  // GetMessage
  public string GetMessage() { return GetMessage(m_oException, m_oCultureInfo); }

  public string GetMessage(String i_sCulture) { return GetMessage(m_oException, i_sCulture); }

  public string GetMessage(CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo) { return GetMessage(m_oException, i_oCultureInfo); }

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException) { return GetMessage(i_oException, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); }

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException, string i_sCulture)
    CultureInfo oCultureInfo = null;
    { oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(i_sCulture); }
    { oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; }
    return GetMessage(i_oException, oCultureInfo);

  public static string GetMessage(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    if (i_oException == null) return null;
    if (i_oCultureInfo == null) i_oCultureInfo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

    if (ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages == null) return null;
    if (!ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.ContainsKey(i_oCultureInfo))
      return CreateMessage(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);

    Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages[i_oCultureInfo];
    string sExceptionName = i_oException.GetType().FullName;
    sExceptionName = MakeXMLCompliant(sExceptionName);
    Win32Exception oWin32Exception = (Win32Exception)i_oException;
    if (oWin32Exception != null)
      sExceptionName += \"_\" + oWin32Exception.NativeErrorCode;
    if (dictExceptionMessage.ContainsKey(sExceptionName))
      return dictExceptionMessage[sExceptionName];
      return CreateMessage(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);

  // CreateMessages
  public static void CreateMessages(CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    Thread oTH = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CreateMessagesInThread));
    if (i_oCultureInfo != null)
      oTH.CurrentCulture = i_oCultureInfo;
      oTH.CurrentUICulture = i_oCultureInfo;
    while (oTH.IsAlive)
    { Thread.Sleep(10); }

  // LoadMessagesFromXML
  public static void LoadMessagesFromXML(string i_sPath, string i_sBaseFilename)
    if (i_sBaseFilename == null) i_sBaseFilename = msc_sBaseFilename;

    string[] asFiles = null;
      asFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(i_sPath, i_sBaseFilename + \"_*.xml\");
    catch { return; }

    for (int ixFile = 0; ixFile < asFiles.Length; ixFile++)
      string sXmlPathFilename = asFiles[ixFile];

      XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode xmlnodeRoot = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode(\"/\" + msc_sXmlGroup_Root);

        string sCulture = xmlnodeRoot.SelectSingleNode(msc_sXmlGroup_Info + \"/\" + msc_sXmlData_Culture).Value;
        CultureInfo oCultureInfo = new CultureInfo(sCulture);

        XmlNode xmlnodeMessages = xmlnodeRoot.SelectSingleNode(msc_sXmlGroup_Messages);
        XmlNodeList xmlnodelistMessage = xmlnodeMessages.ChildNodes;
        Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>(xmlnodelistMessage.Count + 10);
        for (int ixNode = 0; ixNode < xmlnodelistMessage.Count; ixNode++)
          dictExceptionMessage.Add(xmlnodelistMessage[ixNode].Name, xmlnodelistMessage[ixNode].InnerText);
        ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.Add(oCultureInfo, dictExceptionMessage);
      { return; }

  // SaveMessagesToXML
  public static void SaveMessagesToXML(string i_sPath, string i_sBaseFilename)
    if (i_sBaseFilename == null) i_sBaseFilename = msc_sBaseFilename;

    foreach (KeyValuePair<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>> kvpCultureExceptionMessages in ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages)
      string sXmlPathFilename = i_sPath + i_sBaseFilename + \"_\" + kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Key.TwoLetterISOLanguageName + \".xml\";
      Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Value;

      XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
      XmlWriter xmlwriter = null;
      XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
      writerSettings.Indent = true;

        XmlNode xmlnodeRoot = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Root);
        XmlNode xmlnodeInfo = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Info);
        XmlNode xmlnodeMessages = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlGroup_Messages);

        XmlNode xmlnodeCulture = xmldoc.CreateElement(msc_sXmlData_Culture);
        xmlnodeCulture.InnerText = kvpCultureExceptionMessages.Key.Name;

        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvpExceptionMessage in dictExceptionMessage)
          XmlNode xmlnodeMsg = xmldoc.CreateElement(kvpExceptionMessage.Key);
          xmlnodeMsg.InnerText = kvpExceptionMessage.Value;

        xmlwriter = XmlWriter.Create(sXmlPathFilename, writerSettings);
      catch (Exception e)
      { return; }
      { if (xmlwriter != null) xmlwriter.Close(); }

  // CreateMessagesInThread
  private static void CreateMessagesInThread()
    Thread.CurrentThread.Name = \"CException.CreateMessagesInThread\";

    Dictionary<string, string> dictExceptionMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>(0x1000);


    ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages.Add(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, dictExceptionMessage);

  // GetExceptionTypes
  private static List<Type> GetExceptionTypes()
    Assembly[] aoAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();

    List<Type> listoExceptionType = new List<Type>();

    Type oExceptionType = typeof(Exception);
    for (int ixAssm = 0; ixAssm < aoAssembly.Length; ixAssm++)
      if (!aoAssembly[ixAssm].GlobalAssemblyCache) continue;
      Type[] aoType = aoAssembly[ixAssm].GetTypes();
      for (int ixType = 0; ixType < aoType.Length; ixType++)
        if (aoType[ixType].IsSubclassOf(oExceptionType))

    return listoExceptionType;

  // GetExceptionMessages
  private static void GetExceptionMessages(Dictionary<string, string> i_dictExceptionMessage)
    List<Type> listoExceptionType = GetExceptionTypes();
    for (int ixException = 0; ixException < listoExceptionType.Count; ixException++)
      Type oExceptionType = listoExceptionType[ixException];
      string sExceptionName = MakeXMLCompliant(oExceptionType.FullName);
        if (i_dictExceptionMessage.ContainsKey(sExceptionName))
        Exception e = (Exception)(Activator.CreateInstance(oExceptionType));
        i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sExceptionName, e.Message);
      catch (Exception)
      { i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sExceptionName, null); }

  // GetExceptionMessagesWin32
  private static void GetExceptionMessagesWin32(Dictionary<string, string> i_dictExceptionMessage)
    string sTypeName = MakeXMLCompliant(typeof(Win32Exception).FullName) + \"_\";
    for (int iError = 0; iError < 0x4000; iError++)  // Win32 errors may range from 0 to 0xFFFF
      Exception e = new Win32Exception(iError);
      if (!e.Message.StartsWith(\"Unknown error (\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
        i_dictExceptionMessage.Add(sTypeName + iError, e.Message);

  // CreateMessage
  private static string CreateMessage(Exception i_oException, CultureInfo i_oCultureInfo)
    CException oEx = new CException(i_oException, i_oCultureInfo);
    Thread oTH = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(CreateMessageInThread));
    while (oTH.IsAlive)
    { Thread.Sleep(10); }
    return oEx.m_sMessage;

  // CreateMessageInThread
  private static void CreateMessageInThread(Object i_oData)
    if (i_oData == null) return;
    CException oEx = (CException)i_oData;
    if (oEx.m_oException == null) return;

    Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = oEx.m_oCultureInfo == null ? CultureInfo.InvariantCulture : oEx.m_oCultureInfo;
    // create new exception in desired culture
    Exception e = null;
    Win32Exception oWin32Exception = (Win32Exception)(oEx.m_oException);
    if (oWin32Exception != null)
      e = new Win32Exception(oWin32Exception.NativeErrorCode);
        e = (Exception)(Activator.CreateInstance(oEx.m_oException.GetType()));
      catch { }
    if (e != null)
      oEx.m_sMessage = e.Message;

  // MakeXMLCompliant
  // from https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/
  private static string MakeXMLCompliant(string i_sName)
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(i_sName))
      return \"_\";

    System.Text.StringBuilder oSB = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
    for (int ixChar = 0; ixChar < (i_sName == null ? 0 : i_sName.Length); ixChar++)
      char character = i_sName[ixChar];
      if (IsXmlNodeNameCharacterValid(ixChar, character))
    if (oSB.Length <= 0)
    return oSB.ToString();

  private static bool IsXmlNodeNameCharacterValid(int i_ixPos, char i_character)
    if (i_character == \':\') return true;
    if (i_character == \'_\') return true;
    if (i_character >= \'A\' && i_character <= \'Z\') return true;
    if (i_character >= \'a\' && i_character <= \'z\') return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00C0 && i_character <= 0x00D6) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00D8 && i_character <= 0x00F6) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x00F8 && i_character <= 0x02FF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x0370 && i_character <= 0x037D) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x037F && i_character <= 0x1FFF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x200C && i_character <= 0x200D) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x2070 && i_character <= 0x218F) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x2C00 && i_character <= 0x2FEF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0x3001 && i_character <= 0xD7FF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0xF900 && i_character <= 0xFDCF) return true;
    if (i_character >= 0xFDF0 && i_character <= 0xFFFD) return true;
    // if (i_character >= 0x10000 && i_character <= 0xEFFFF) return true;

    if (i_ixPos > 0)
      if (i_character == \'-\') return true;
      if (i_character == \'.\') return true;
      if (i_character >= \'0\' && i_character <= \'9\') return true;
      if (i_character == 0xB7) return true;
      if (i_character >= 0x0300 && i_character <= 0x036F) return true;
      if (i_character >= 0x203F && i_character <= 0x2040) return true;
    return false;

  private static string msc_sBaseFilename = \"exception_messages\";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Root = \"exception_messages\";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Info = \"info\";
  private static string msc_sXmlGroup_Messages = \"messages\";
  private static string msc_sXmlData_Culture = \"culture\";

  private Exception m_oException;
  private CultureInfo m_oCultureInfo;
  private string m_sMessage;

  static Dictionary<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>> ms_dictCultureExceptionMessages = new Dictionary<CultureInfo, Dictionary<string, string>>();

internal class Program
  public static void Main()
    CException.SaveMessagesToXML(@\"d:\\temp\\\", \"emsg\");
    CException.LoadMessagesFromXML(@\"d:\\temp\\\", \"emsg\");


Based on the Undercover1989 answer, but takes into account parameters and when messages are composed of several resource strings (like argument exceptions).

public static string TranslateExceptionMessage(Exception exception, CultureInfo targetCulture)
    Assembly a = exception.GetType().Assembly;
    ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager(a.GetName().Name, a);
    ResourceSet rsOriginal = rm.GetResourceSet(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, true, true);
    ResourceSet rsTranslated = rm.GetResourceSet(targetCulture, true, true);

    var result = exception.Message;

    foreach (DictionaryEntry item in rsOriginal)
        if (!(item.Value is string message))

        string translated = rsTranslated.GetString(item.Key.ToString(), false);

        if (!message.Contains(\"{\"))
            result = result.Replace(message, translated);
            var pattern = $\"{Regex.Escape(message)}\";
            pattern = Regex.Replace(pattern, @\"\\\\{([0-9]+)\\}\", \"(?<group$1>.*)\");

            var regex = new Regex(pattern);

            var replacePattern = translated;
            replacePattern = Regex.Replace(replacePattern, @\"{([0-9]+)}\", @\"${group$1}\");
            replacePattern = replacePattern.Replace(\"\\\\$\", \"$\");

            result = regex.Replace(result, replacePattern);

    return result;


You should log the call stack instead of just error message (IIRC, simple exception.ToString() should do that for you). From there, you can determine exactly where the exception originated from, and usually deduce which exception it is.


Override exception message in catch block using extension method, Check thrown message is from code or not as mentioned below.

    public static string GetEnglishMessageAndStackTrace(this Exception ex)
        CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;

            dynamic exceptionInstanceLocal = System.Activator.CreateInstance(ex.GetType());
            string str;
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo(\"en-US\");

            if (ex.Message == exceptionInstanceLocal.Message)
                dynamic exceptionInstanceENG = System.Activator.CreateInstance(ex.GetType());

                str = exceptionInstanceENG.ToString() + ex.StackTrace;

                str = ex.ToString();
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = currentCulture;

            return str;

        catch (Exception)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = currentCulture;

            return ex.ToString();


For Logging purposes, certain applications may need to fetch the English exception message (besides displaying it in the usual client\'s UICulture).

For that purpose, the following code

  1. changes the current UICulture
  2. recreates the thrown Exception object using \"GetType()\" & \"Activator.CreateInstance(t)\"
  3. displays the new Exception object\'s Message in the new UICuture
  4. and then finally changes the current UICulture back to earlier UICulture.

            int[] a = { 3, 6 };
            Console.WriteLine(a[3]); //Throws index out of bounds exception
            System.IO.StreamReader sr = new System.IO.StreamReader(@\"c:\\does-not-exist\"); // throws file not found exception
            throw new System.IO.IOException();
        catch (Exception ex)
            Type t = ex.GetType();
            CultureInfo CurrentUICulture = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(\"en-US\");
            object o = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
            System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CurrentUICulture; // Changing the UICulture back to earlier culture