filter tags of django-taggit in Django's Query

2019-03-03 13:09发布


Having the following models:

class Post(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
    tags = TaggableManager()

and the data are:

**post.title**                          **post.tags**
Django By Example                       python,django,web
Who was Django Reinhardt                python,django,
Test-Driven Development with Python     python,web
Python for Data Analysis                python,data         
Learning Python                         python
Programming Python                      python
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python   python

I try to code below

>>> alist=Post.objects.filter(tags__name__in=["data","python"])
>>> for i in alist.annotate(sam_tags=Count('tags')):
...     print("\n---",i)
...     print("tags of it : ",i.tags.all())
...     print("value of sam_tags : ",i.sam_tags)

--- Django By Example
tags of it :  [<Tag: django>, <Tag: python>, <Tag: web>]
value of sam_tags :  1

--- Who was Django Reinhardt
tags of it :  [<Tag: django>, <Tag: python>]
value of sam_tags :  1

--- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
tags of it :  [<Tag: python>]
value of sam_tags :  1

--- Test-Driven Development with Python
tags of it :  [<Tag: python>, <Tag: web>]
value of sam_tags :  1

--- Learning Python
tags of it :  [<Tag: python>]
value of sam_tags :  1

--- Python for Data Analysis
tags of it :  [<Tag: data>, <Tag: python>]
value of sam_tags :  2

--- Programming Python
tags of it :  [<Tag: python>]
value of sam_tags :  1

why is the value of slist[0].sam_tags (post:Django By Example) equal to 1?

I think the post object of (post:Django By Example) has three tags [python,django and web] after reading the Django's documentation.

It said that Count(expression) returns the number of objects that are related through the provided expression. so the code

[<Tag: django>, <Tag: python>, <Tag: web>]

shows there are three tags in alist[0].tags,

>>> slist=alist.annotate(sam_tags=Count('tags'))
>>> slist[0].tags.all()
[<Tag: django>, <Tag: python>, <Tag: web>]
>>> slist[0].sam_tags

but here I get the value 1,

I understand that Django is counting only the "python" and "data" tags which I included in my filter clause - other tags are not counted.

The output of "slist[0].tags.all()" shows that slist[0] has three tags related with itself. Because the documentation of django says that Count(expression) returns the number of objects that are related through the provided expression, slist[0].sam_tags should be 3 according to the documentation, but django-taggit make slist[0].sam_tags to be 1.

So what I really want to know is how django-taggit lets Count(expression) in the filter clause only calculate the number of tags in the filter condition .


Django is counting only the python and data tags which you included in your filter clause - other tags are not counted. (Note that the only example with sam_tags of 2 is the one tagged both data and python.) This is probably unexpected behavior, but makes sense if you consider how the underlying SQL is executed. See this example from a similar schema to yours:

>>> a = Article.objects.filter(tags__slug__in=['python']).annotate(num_tags=Count('tags'))[0]
>>> a.num_tags
>>> a.tags.count()

If I change the filter clause to filter on somethign other than tags, it behaves as expected:

>>> Article.objects.filter('tags'))[0].num_tags
>>> Article.objects.filter('tags'))[0].tags.count()