We are having two domains ( both https ): one as main domain https://dev.project.com/ and the other for images https://dev-images.project.com/. The frontpage loads the images just fine, but I'm having this problem with file_get_contents
ErrorException in Collection.php line 228:
file_get_contents(): Unable to locate certificate CN
in Collection.php line 228
at HandleExceptions->handleError('2', 'file_get_contents(): Unable to locate certificate CN', '')
at file_get_contents('https://dev-images.project.com/images/12012_resized.jpg') in Collection.php line 228
The file itself exists and opens when checked in browser. I checked this solution, but all the tests are positive:
openssl: yes
http wrapper: yes
https wrapper: yes
wrappers: array (size=12) ...
allow_url_fopen = On
The certificate is locally generated and set in php.ini
curl.cainfo = "D:\wamp64\cacert.pem"
My dev station has wamp64 server on Window10 with Php 5.6. Site is based on Laravel5.