Please find the below code that i have tried for pagination. I have 50 records but i cant able to show more than 10 records. And i dont have idea to iterate to next 10 records till 50 records.
render() {
const per_page=10;
const pages = Math.ceil(this.props.items.length / per_page);
const current_page = 1;
const start_offset = (current_page - 1) * per_page;
let start_count =0;
return (<tbody>{ this.props.items
.sort((a, b) => moment(b.order_date) - moment(a.order_date) || b.order_number - a.order_number)
.map((item, index) => {
if (index >= start_offset && start_count < per_page) {
return <SearchResultsItem key={} item={item} open={} />;
className="items-pagination pull-right"
first last next prev boundaryLinks
activePage={current_page} />
Here it is :
First of all : Pagination is just plugin to make pagination work, it wont change your data automatically , you need to catch the page change event via onChange={this.handlePageChange}
After this, you have to get that value and set it in to state so you can rerender the view and get new current page like const current_page = this.state.current_page || 1;
handlePageChange(pageNumber) {
console.log(`current_page is ${pageNumber}`);
this.setState({current_page: pageNumber});
render() {
const per_page=10;
const pages = Math.ceil(this.props.items.length / per_page);
const current_page = this.state.current_page || 1;
const start_offset = (current_page - 1) * per_page;
let start_count =0;
return (
{ this.props.items
.sort((a, b) => moment(b.order_date) - moment(a.order_date) || b.order_number - a.order_number)
.map((item, index) => {
if (index >= start_offset && start_count < per_page) {
return <SearchResultsItem key={} item={item} open={} />;
className="items-pagination pull-right"
first last next prev boundaryLinks
activePage={this.state.current_page || 1}
onChange={this.handlePageChange} />
Have to pass the page number in the handlePageChange(page) and have to set the page number for the current page (this.setState({ currentPage: page } );).
Please find the working code :
class SearchResults extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { };
handlePageChange(page) {
this.setState({ currentPage: page } );
render() {
return (
<div className="panel panel-primary">
<div className="panel-heading">ORDERS LIST</div>
<table className="table table-hover" }} >
<thead >
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th>Creation Date </th>
<SearchResultsList items={ this.props.results } open={
current_Page={ this.state.currentPage } />
<Pagination id="content" className="users-pagination pull-right"
first last next prev boundaryLinks items={numPages}
activePage={ this.state.currentPage } onSelect={ this.handlePageChange }