I have an problem I could sure use some help with. First, be gentle. I am new to both perl and LibXML.
I have been parsing a document and placing elements into an array that is then written to a speadsheet column. Durring testing it was discovered that some nodes have more than one child node of the same name. I need to combine the text from each of these child nodes into one element of the array.
The (very simplified) format of the xml is:
<check-content> "Some text I want to pull"
But occasionally it is like this:
<check-content> "Some text I want to pull"
<check-content> "Some more text I want to pull and join to the first"
I can pull all the text from "check-contents", but if there is more than one it throws off the row of data in the spreadsheet. I need to be able to say something like:
If there are 2 or more "check-content" join the data an push into the array. If not, just push the data into the array.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I have been doing is this.
my @Check_Content;
my $Check_Content;
my $parser = XML::LibXML->new() or die $!;
my $doc1 = $parser->parse_file($filename1);
my $xc1 = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new($doc1->documentElement() );
$xc1->registerNs(x => 'http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.1');
for my $Check_Content ($xc1->findnodes('//x:Group/x:Rule/x:check/x:check-content')) {
push (@Check_Content, $Check_Content->to_literal);