all. Thank you in advance.
I have a window which much refresh every time a dropdown selection is changed (or button is pressed). The controller is being called upon refresh, but the view is not being called/refreshed, for some reason. Am I missing something fundamental?
.Title("Edit Contact")
.LoadContentFrom("_ContactEdit", "Contacts", new { selectedContact = Model.ContactId })
.Actions(actions => actions.Pin().Minimize().Maximize().Close())
Refresh code (in javascript):
var combobox = $("#ContactId").data("kendoComboBox");
var ContactId = combobox.value();
var window = $("#EditWindow").data("kendoWindow");
url: "../../Contacts/_ContactEdit",
data: { selectedContact: ContactId }
//url: "/Contacts/_ContactEdit/?selectedContact=ContactId"
public ActionResult _ContactEdit(int selectedContact)
var entities = from r in dbContext.Contacts
where r.ContactId == selectedContact
select r;
if (entities.Any())
{ return PartialView(entities.First()); }
{ return HttpNotFound("Contact does not exist."); }
I know that the partial view is working correctly because it's called and populates upon the initial window load. Why in the world can't I get it to refresh?
edit: Here's my partial view (window contents):
@model PNC.CM.MBS.BizServiceTier.IIDB.Contact
@using Kendo.Mvc.Extensions
@using (Html.BeginForm())
<fieldset id="infoForm">Hello, world.
@Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ContactId, new { id = "EditWindowId" })
<br />
<label id ="ContactNameID" style="width: 130px;">Contact Name</label>
@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.FullName, new { type = "text", id = "EditWindowName", @class = "k-textbox form-control", style = "width: 200px; cursor:default" })
</span><br />