I have a column with the following type of text in it:
256 items delivered by supplier (LLC Printlogic)<br>
436 items delivered by supplier (LLC Mango)<br>
500 items shipped to supplier (Arteco Inc)<br>
How to extract value in the brackets? The result should be the following:
LLC Printlogic<br>
LLC Mango<br>
Arteco Inc
There are a number of ways to parse text. Here is one of them.
=REPLACE(REPLACE(A2, FIND(")", A2), LEN(A2), ""),1, FIND("(", A2), "")
one alternative,
And another, that assumes the characters at the end are enclosed in <...>
but not might always be <br>
Note that that same formula will also work on your original post, before it was edited and the <br>
added at the end of each line: