I'm writing a little command-line program in Haskell. I need it to dispatch to the correct encryption function based on the command line arguments. I've gotten that far, but then I need the remaining arguments to get passed to the function as parameters. I've read:
That's gotten me this far:
import qualified CaesarCiphers
import qualified ExptCiphers
dispatch::[(String, String->IO ())]
dispatch = [("EEncipher", ExptCiphers.exptEncipherString)
("EDecipher", ExptCiphers.exptDecipherString)
("CEncipher", CaesarCiphers.caesarEncipherString)
("CDecipher", CaesarCiphers.caesarDecipherString)
("CBruteForce", CaesarCiphers.bruteForceCaesar)]
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
Each of the functions takes some arguments that I won't know untill run-time. How do I pass those into a function seeing as they'll be bound up in a list? Do I just grab them manually? Like:
exampleFunction (args !! 1) (args !! 2)
That seems kind of ugly. Is there some sort of idiomatic way to do this? And what about error checking? My functions aren't equipped to gracefully handle errors like getting passed parameters in an idiotic order.
Also, and importantly, each function in dispatch takes a different number of arguments, so I can't do this statically anyways (as above.) It's too bad unCurry command args
isn't valid Haskell.