How do you get that code, see below, run in IDLE? I am stuck in my course right now and I could not find an explanation. I know how to run in IDLE just one "def" or code, pressing F5, write e.g. hash_string('udacity', 3) in the shell, "Enter", result. In that code, with more than one code it will not work, of course. For a deeper understanding I want to run it in the Python Online Tutor, condition is that it will work in IDLE or vice versa. Further I would like to know, why the input #print hashtable_get_bucket(table, "Zoe") results in: #>>> [['Bill', 17], ['Zoe', 14]] Why does 'Bill', 17, appear in the list?
# Define a procedure, hashtable_get_bucket,
# that takes two inputs - a hashtable, and
# a keyword, and returns the bucket where the
# keyword could occur.
def hashtable_get_bucket(htable,keyword):
return htable[hash_string(keyword,len(htable))]
def hash_string(keyword,buckets):
out = 0
for s in keyword:
out = (out + ord(s)) % buckets
return out
def make_hashtable(nbuckets):
table = []
for unused in range(0,nbuckets):
return table
#table = [[['Francis', 13], ['Ellis', 11]], [], [['Bill', 17],
#['Zoe', 14]], [['Coach', 4]], [['Louis', 29], ['Rochelle', 4], ['Nick', 2]]]
#print hashtable_get_bucket(table, "Zoe")
#>>> [['Bill', 17], ['Zoe', 14]]
#print hashtable_get_bucket(table, "Brick")
#>>> []
#print hashtable_get_bucket(table, "Lilith")
#>>> [['Louis', 29], ['Rochelle', 4], ['Nick', 2]]
Thanks for taking the time reading that post and for your suggestions, too!