I'm trying to count the total number of users in a specific room and broadcast it to all the people in that room.
Here is what I have but I get an error:
var clients = io.sockets.clients(cc.lowerCase(data.roomname)).length;
io.sockets.in(cc.lowerCase(data.roomname)).emit('updatetotal', { total: clients });
TypeError: Object #<Namespace> has no method 'clients'
Since socket.io 1.0 its API was significantly changed so the old code might not work.
To get the number of clients in a room you can use this function:
var getUsersInRoomNumber = function(roomName, namespace) {
if (!namespace) namespace = '/';
var room = io.nsps[namespace].adapter.rooms[roomName];
if (!room) return null;
var num = 0;
for (var i in room) num++;
return num;
or more laconically:
var getUsersInRoomNumber = function(roomName, namespace) {
if (!namespace) namespace = '/';
var room = io.nsps[namespace].adapter.rooms[roomName];
if (!room) return null;
return Object.keys(room).length;
This function takes two agruments:
(optional) default = '/'
To send message to users of this room only use .to
io.to(yourRoomName).emit('updatetotal', { total: getUsersInRoomNumber(yourRoomName) });