Has anyone seen anything like this:
I'm using a script which basically undeploys an app using ant, puts the new war file in the deploy directory and then deploys it using ant again.
The problem is, after the deploy all that exists in the webapps folder are 3 directories: myapp/WEB-INF/lib
There are no other files in there other than those 3 empty directories. The timestamps of the directories indicate they were created when I ran the script.
After this happens, undeploying through Tomcat manager and then stop/starting Tomcat seems to explode it correctly, but I ideally want to use the script for automation.
Anyone seen a similar issue/know what could be going wrong?
Undeploy/deploy script hasnt changed since prior release so I dont think its that. Main thing thats changed in my actual project other than some code change is upgrading to a new GWT version. New GWT versions put some files in a folder called /WEB-INF/deploy/ but I dont think that'd cause it. Dont really see any errors in the logs