Here is an example:
* Copyright 2013 ScalaFX Project
* All right reserved.
package scalafx.ensemble.example.charts
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.scene.chart.LineChart
import scalafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis
import scalafx.scene.chart.XYChart
/** A chart in which lines connect a series of data points. Useful for viewing
* data trends over time.
* @see scalafx.scene.chart.LineChart
* @see scalafx.scene.chart.Chart
* @see scalafx.scene.chart.Axis
* @see scalafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis
* @related charts/AreaChart
* @related charts/ScatterChart
object BasicLineChart extends JFXApp {
stage = new JFXApp.PrimaryStage {
title = "Line Chart Example"
scene = new Scene {
root = {
val xAxis = NumberAxis("Values for X-Axis", 0, 3, 1)
val yAxis = NumberAxis("Values for Y-Axis", 0, 3, 1)
// Helper function to convert a tuple to `XYChart.Data`
val toChartData = (xy: (Double, Double)) => XYChart.Data[Number, Number](xy._1, xy._2)
val series1 = new XYChart.Series[Number, Number] {
name = "Series 1"
data = Seq(
(0.0, 1.0),
(1.2, 1.4),
(2.2, 1.9),
(2.7, 2.3),
(2.9, 0.5)).map(toChartData)
val series2 = new XYChart.Series[Number, Number] {
name = "Series 2"
data = Seq(
(0.0, 1.6),
(0.8, 0.4),
(1.4, 2.9),
(2.1, 1.3),
(2.6, 0.9)).map(toChartData)
new LineChart[Number, Number](xAxis, yAxis, ObservableBuffer(series1, series2))
object Main {
What I send the line BasicLineChart.main(Array(""))
to the console, a JavaFx window shows up with a line chart in it, and the console is blocked. When I close the chart window, I recover access to scala console. When I try to fire up the same window again, I get an error:
scala> BasicLineChart.main(Array(""))
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Application launch must not be called more than once
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(
at javafx.application.Application.launch(
at scalafx.application.JFXApp$class.main(JFXApp.scala:242)
at BasicLineChart$.main(<console>:23)
... 35 elided
So I have two questions:
How to launch a JavaFx app in the console without blocking?
How to avoid the above error?
Update 1
Following some advice from freenode, I changed the BasicLineChart into a class and did this:
object Main {
val x = new BasicLineChart()
val y = new BasicLineChart()
Still got the same error.