the method
of my jax-rs application:
@Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
public List <Document> getDocumentList(@HeaderParam("Range") String headerRange) {
int [] range = getRangeFromHeader(headerRange);
return facade.listByRange(range);
working properly.
But If modifications to the:
public Response getDocumentList(@HeaderParam("Range") String headerRange) {
int[] range = getRangeFromHeader(headerRange);
return Response.ok(
.header("Content-Range", getContentRangeStr(range)).build();
I receive an error
...NoMessageBodyWriterFoundFailure: Could not find MessageBodyWriter for response
object of type: java.util.ArrayList of media type: application/json...
Server Jboss 7.1.1
Please tell me what's wrong.
PS.sorry for my bad English.
The snippet below should do the trick.
public Response getDocumentList(@HeaderParam("Range") String headerRange) {
int[] range = getRangeFromHeader(headerRange);
return Response.ok(
new GenericEntity<List<Document>>( (List<Document>)facade.listByRange(range))
.header("Content-Range", getContentRangeStr(range)).build();
The anonymous GenericEntity
subclass is required to supply the correct type information (otherwise erased by the compiler) for the writer.
The reason why your code worked using org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jackson-provider
but not with org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jettison-provider
resides on the fundamental difference between the two providers:
- the former (jackson) relies on a JavaBean model, discovering the properties of the objects to serialize, and needs no type information
- the latter (jettyson) relies on the JAXB annotations, so it needs the underlying type information, erased by the compiler.
You're missing a library as described here:
Here is the solution
This means that you are missing a JSON library in your classpath. Jackson is one I’m using so adding this to your pom.xml will help: