A csv file I am trying to read with SAS has spaces between fields with double quotes.
"ok","bad spaces ahead" ,"more data"
How do I get SAS to read this correctly? Do I need to have the csv replaced?
adding dsd and missover in your infile statement works?
data badspaces;
infile datalines dlm=',' dsd missover;
format Var1 $2.
Var2 $20.
Var3 $10.;
input var1-var3;
put 'x' var1 'x'
/ 'x' var2 'x'
/ 'x' var3 'x'
"ok","bad spaces ahead" ,"more data"
"ok","no spaces ahead","more data"
from the log:
xok x
xbad spaces ahead x
xmore data x
xok x
xno spaces ahead x
xmore data x