Inline KVO of a Property in another view controlle

2019-03-02 11:10发布


I have a vc with a dynamic var "value" and i need to know when it's changed in a closure in the calling cv.

target vc:

@objc dynamic var value: String = ""


if let vc: TagButtonPopupViewController = sb.instantiateController(withIdentifier: NSStoryboard.SceneIdentifier("TagPopupViewController")) as? TagButtonPopupViewController {
        // configure vc
        vc.value = sender.title

        // observe
        _ = vc.observe(\.value) { (tbvc, change) in
            print("new string")

        // present popup
        presentViewController(vc, asPopoverRelativeTo: sender.bounds, of: sender, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge.maxY, behavior: NSPopover.Behavior.transient)

but "observe" is never called. Any Ideas how to get notified in a closure whenever "value" has changed in Swift4?


The observer is destroyed because there is no reference to it after the other view controller has been presented. You have to store it

observer = vc.observe(\.value) { ... }

where observer is a property of the calling view controller.

A self-contained command-line project example: This prints "new string" as expected:

class A: NSObject {
    @objc dynamic var value: String = ""

let a = A()
let observer = a.observe(\.value) { (_, _) in print("new string") } // (*)
a.value = "Hello world"

But nothing is printed if (*) is replaced by

_ = a.observe(\.value) { (_, _) in print("new string") }