I am in the process of updating a project with many different libs and flavors across all of them. I was able to resolve all of the libs in the project but I am facing an issue while updating the app build.gradle. Below is the error and the gradle's. I am obviously misunderstanding the docs and cannot find the correct solution. How do I solve this sync issue in the app build.gradle level?
Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@magicDebug/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :vnfmdata.
Could not resolve project :vnfmdata.
Required by:
project :app
> Project :app declares a dependency from configuration 'implementation' to configuration 'regularDebug' which is not declared in the descriptor for project :vnfmdata.
App build.gradle
android {
flavorDimensions flavor.default
productFlavors {
magic {
flavorDimensions flavor.default
// missingDimensionStrategy flavor.regular, flavor.regular
// matchingFallbacks = [flavor.regular]
dependencies {
implementation project(':vnfmdata')
// implementation project(path: ':vnfmdata', configuration: 'regularDebug') // pre gradle 3.0
___The two libs below gradle's sync fine ___
vnfmdata build.gradle
android {
flavorDimensions flavor.no_meridian, flavor.regular
productFlavors {
regular {
dimension flavor.regular
// Forces regular's flavor to point on LocationService meridian's flavor
// because their flavors' name are different
matchingFallbacks = [flavor.meridian]
no_meridian {
dimension flavor.no_meridian
// Will automatically point on LocationService no_meridian's flavor
// because they both have the same name
buildTypes {
release {}
dependencies {
implementation project(':vnlocationservice')
vnlocationservice build.gradle
android {
/** Flavors **/
flavorDimensions flavor.meridian, flavor.no_meridian
productFlavors {
no_meridian {
dimension flavor.no_meridian
meridian {
dimension flavor.meridian
dependencies {
implementation project(':third:Sas-Android')
implementation deps.support.compat_v26
implementation deps.play.ads
implementation deps.play.location
implementation deps.localytics
implementation 'com.arubanetworks.meridian:meridian:+@aar'
buildTypes {
release {}
dependencies {