How can I read a SAS-Dataset with a name given as stem+suffix into IML? The stem is given as a SAS macro variable, the suffices I intend to use are in a string-vector in IML.
In R I would use
for (s in suffix){
I could do the looping if I had the code for the first dataset. I tried:
proc iml;
suffices = {'s1','s2'};
call symput('suffix',suffices[1]);
use &stem.&suffix.;
The problem being that if in a do-loop (and I need this as I loop over names), call symput does not really work. Here i found symget, but in the context of use &stem.symget('suffix') was not fruitful.
Any other ideas?
Edit: I found the following rather inelegant solution:
proc iml;
%global suff;
%do ii = 1 %to 3;
call symput('suff',suffix[&ii.]);
<do stuff based on the suffix>
Still I do not feel this is the way one is supposed to work on it.