I have an input data with multiple single character delimiters as followed :
In the above data the ["] ,[;] are my delimiters.
Is there any way in sparkSQL to convert directly the input data( which is in a file) into a table with column names col1,col2,col3,col4
The answer is no, spark-sql does not support multi-delimiter but one way to do it is trying to read it your file into an RDD and than parse it using regular splitting methods :
val rdd : RDD[String] = ???
val s = rdd.first()
// res1: String = "This is one example. This is another"
Let's say that you want to split on space and point break.
so we can consider apply our function on our s
value as followed :
s.split(" |\\.")
// res2: Array[String] = Array(This, is, one, example, "", This, is, another)
now we can apply the function on the whole rdd
rdd.map(_.split(" |\\."))
Example on your data :
scala> val s = "col1data1\"col2data1;col3data1\"col4data1"
scala> s.split(";|\"")
res4: Array[String] = Array(col1data1, col2data1, col3data1, col4data1)
More on string splitting :
- A Scala split String example.
- How to split String in Scala but keep the part matching the regular expression?
Just remember that everything you can apply on a regular data type you can apply on a whole RDD, then all you have to do is converting your RDD to a DataFrame.