I have a jqgrid which i enabled multiple search for and i wanna change the "AND" and "OR" group operation texts to their corresponding values in my native language.
I want to change
- AND with VE
- OR with VEYA
Here is my code :
jQuery("#kontrollist").jqGrid('navGrid', '#controllistpager',
edit: true,
add: true,
del : true,
search: true
{ top: 10, left: 300, jqModal: false, closeOnEscape: true }, // edit options
{top: 10, left: 300, jqModal: false, closeOnEscape: true, reloadAfterSubmit: true }, // add options
{top: 100, left: 200, jqModal: false, closeOnEscape: true }, // del options
// search options
top: 100,
left: 250,
jqModal: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
groupOps: [{ op: "AND", text: "all" }, { op: "OR", text: "any"}],
//showQuery: true,
multipleSearch: true,
{top: 100, left: 200, jqModal: false, closeOnEscape: true} // view options
I tried changing "op" attribute of "groupOps" like
groupOps: [{ op: "VE", text: "all" }, { op: "VEYA", text: "any"}],
and like
groupOps: [{ op: "AND", text: "VE" }, { op: "OR", text: "VEYA"}],
which both didnt work. Is there a way to change these values? Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.