Currently, I'm using
mic.rate = 100;
This only gives 63kbps.
Is it possible for Flash AS3 to set bitrate higher than 63kbps?
Currently, I'm using
mic.rate = 100;
This only gives 63kbps.
Is it possible for Flash AS3 to set bitrate higher than 63kbps?
From the docs
Acceptable values are 5, 8, 11, 22, and 44
So enter one of those.
And it's measured in kHz, not kbps, also according to the docs
It's flash. Great quality also depends on users' hardware. You didn't post full settings for your microphone. Also value that you are using isn't valid.
Here a small snippet, for mic settings, that will give you good enough results:
var micOptions : MicrophoneEnhancedOptions = new MicrophoneEnhancedOptions();
micOptions.echoPath = 128;
micOptions.mode = MicrophoneEnhancedMode.FULL_DUPLEX;
micOptions.nonLinearProcessing = true;
microphone.rate = 44;
microphone.enhancedOptions = micOptions;
The bit rate (kbps) depends on:
With Asao the sound will use from 11 to 88kbps depending on the sampling rate:
There's also a third factor with Nellymoser Asao:
When using the Nellymoser codec, one microphone might produce more bandwidth over against another.
With Speex the sound will use from 4 to 42kbps depending on the encoding quality (sampling rate is fixed at 16kHz with Speex):
These bitrates should reflect in the .flv where the audio is stored/recorded.