My friend have just started learning programming. He showed me his code and asked why it return some weird number. After taking a look at it, I saw that he was using scanf("%.2lf", &a) to take input, and by habit, I try to change it to normal. Then he asked me why it has some strange output. After googling around I still haven't find the answer.
Can anybody tell me why it doesn't work?
Thank you in advance and sorry for the long irrelevant story as well as my bad English.
Edit: added code below
int main()
double a,b,c,delta;
printf("Nhap vao 3 so thuc a,b,c: \n");
scanf("%.2lf %.2lf %.2lf",&a,&b,&c);
if(a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 0) printf("Phuong trinh co vo so nghiem");
else if(a == 0 && b == 0 && c != 0) printf("Phuong trinh vo nghiem");
else if(a == 0 && b != 0) printf("Phuong trinh co 1 nghiem la: %.2lf",-c/b);
else if(a != 0)
if(delta<0) printf("Phuong trinh vo nghiem");
else if(delta == 0) printf("Phuong trinh co nghiem kep: %.2lf",-b/(2*a));
else if(delta > 0) printf("Phuong trinh co 2 nghiem la:%.2lf, %.2lf",-(b-sqrt(delta))/(4*a),-(b+sqrt(delta))/(4*a));
return 0;