I'm trying to implement code which reads from my redboard's serial port and based on what it reads have it repaint a circle. The end goal of this is to use the Robot class to achieve actual cursor control, but I first want to learn more about Java along the way and so I'm trying to achieve it with some basic graphics first.
To summarize my issue, I do not know how to use JFrame with a continuously changing input from a static method.
The serial port accessing JAR can be found at http://fazecast.github.io/jSerialComm/
The Arduino continuously writes to the serial based on an FPGA-accelerometer system in the form "UpLeft", "Up", "UpRight", "Left", "Center", "Right", "DownLeft", "Down", "DownRight". The Java program should then grab this and repaint a circle accordingly.
I am able to open COMM3 and print the correct direction received from my hardware, but whenever I try to apply JFrame I get lost. I've found many ActionListener tutorials, but this implementation should be continuous and not dependent on mouse or keyboard events. Thus, I don't know how to use the paintComponent() and painter() methods since the main method is static.
Thank you very much for your time!
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JSlider;
import com.fazecast.jSerialComm.*;
public class Main extends JPanel{
public void paintComponent(Graphics g, int x, int y) {
g.fillOval(x, y, 20, 20);
public void painter(int x, int y, int velx, int vely){
x = x + velx;
y = y + vely;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 0, y = 0, velx = 0, vely = 0;
SerialPort ports[] = SerialPort.getCommPorts();
System.out.println("Select a Port:");
SerialPort port = ports[1];
Graphics g;
System.out.println("Successfully opened the port.");
} else {
System.out.println("Unable to open the port.");
port.setComPortTimeouts(SerialPort.TIMEOUT_SCANNER, 0, 0);
JFrame jf = new JFrame();
Main main = new Main();
jf.setSize(600, 400);
Scanner data = new Scanner(port.getInputStream());
while(data.hasNextLine()) {
try{String dir = data.nextLine();
if(dir.equals("UpLeft")) {
velx = -1;
vely = -1;
if(dir.equals("Up")) {
velx = 0;
vely = -1;
if(dir.equals("UpRight")) {
velx = 1;
vely = -1;
if(dir.equals("Left")) {
velx = -1;
vely = 0;
if(dir.equals("Center")) {
velx = 0;
vely = 0;
if(dir.equals("Right")) {
velx = 1;
vely = 0;
if(dir.equals("DownLeft")) {
velx = -1;
vely = 1;
if(dir.equals("Down")) {
velx = 0;
vely = 1;
if(dir.equals("DownRight")) {
velx = 1;
vely = 1;
catch(Exception e) {};