I have created a CMS website, now I am trying to make site map with php coding, but the code which i have made is not complete. i.e It is not showing all the sub menu data.
Please look at this image . According to this image, I am having many other sub menu under Weight training(sub menu of Fitness Exercises) ,but they are not visible. Why they are not visibile?
Please guide/help me to solve this issue
My php code
foreach ($query_sitemap as $artrow) {
$datefromsql = $artrow->created_date;
$time = strtotime($datefromsql); ?>
<?php echo '<b>'.$artrow->menu_name.'</b>'; ?>
<?php $submenucon=$this->menumodel->fetch_menu_byPid($artrow->id);//i.e select*from menu where parent_id=$mid
if (empty($submenucon)) { ?>
} else {
foreach ($submenucon as $subtrow) {
<?php echo '<li style="color:gray;margin:">'.$subtrow->menu_name.'</li><br/>'; ?>
} ?>