I have the following CSV (sample)
id timestamp routeid creationdate parameters
1000 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 RSRP=-102,
1002 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 RA Req. SN=-146,TPC=4,RX Antennas=-8,
1003 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 RA Req. SN=134,RX Antennas=-91,MCS=-83,TPC=-191,
Basically I want to separate parameters from one column into multiple columns as followed :
id , timestamp, routeid, creationdate, RSRP ,RA REQ. SN, TPC,RX Antennas,MCS
So if there is no value of any parameter for that, I would put the value as NULL like instead :
1000 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 -102 NULL NULL NULL NULL
And if the value exists fill out the rows,
This is what I have tried :
from pyspark import SparkContext
import os
import sys
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
import itertools
import re
sc = SparkContext("local","Work")
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
df1 = sqlContext.read.format('com.databricks.spark.csv').options(header='true').load('file:///sample.csv')
def aaa(a):
aa = a.split(',', 15000)
filtered = filter(lambda p: not re.match(r'^\s*$', p), aa)
listWithNoEmptyLines = [z for z in filtered if z != []]
for x in listWithNoEmptyLines:
ab = x.split("=")
AllList = []
rsrp = ""
ra_req_sn = ""
tpc = ""
rx_antenas = ""
mcs = ""
if 'RSRP' in ab:
rsrp = ab[1]
rsrp = "NULL"
if 'RA Req. SN' in ab:
ra_req_sn = ab[1]
ra_req_sn = "NULL"
if 'TPC' in ab:
tpc = ab[1]
tpc = "NULL"
if 'RX Antennas' in ab:
rx_antenas = ab[1]
rx_antenas = "NULL"
if 'MCS' in ab:
mcs = ab[1]
mcs = "NULL"
return rsrp,ra_req_sn,tpc,rx_antenas
DFtoRDD = df1.rdd.map(list).map(lambda x: [str(x[1]), str(x[2]), str(x[3]), aaa(str(x[4]))])
print DFtoRDD.collect()
Giving me following result,
[['1000','21-11-2016 22:55', '14', '21-11-2016 22:55', ('-102', 'NULL', 'NULL', 'NULL')], ['1002',21-11-2016 22:55', '14', '21-11-2016 22:55', ('NULL', '-146', 'NULL', 'NULL')], ['1003','21-11-2016 22:55', '14', '21-11-2016 22:55', ('NULL', '134', 'NULL', 'NULL')]]
Expected results :
id timestamp routeid creationdate RSRP RA Req. SN TPC RX Antennas MCS
1000 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 -102 NULL NULL NULL NULL
1002 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 NULL -146 4 -8 NULL
1003 21-11-2016 22:55 14 21-11-2016 22:55 NULL 134 -191 -91 -83