I've read this question Parse XML Files (>1 megabyte) in R and this answer seems to only apply to the original XML
package in R. How do I set this option in xml2
Here is the code I'm running:
rawXML <- read_xml(xmlFile)
emails <- xml_find_all(rawXML, "//header")
emailElements <- sapply(1:length(emails), function(idx) {
attrs <- xml_attrs(emails[idx])[[1]]
index <- attrs['index']
sender <- attrs['from']
contentLink <- attrs['contentLink'] #is a *.html file
rawContentText <- read_html(contentLink)
content <- xml_text(rawContentText)
v <- c(index, date, sender, subject, headerLink, rawLink, contentLink, content, attachmentLink)
Here is the error I get:
Error: Excessive depth in document: 256 use XML_PARSE_HUGE option [1]
Thanks in advance.