Menu is not working when i push the screen ionic 3

2019-03-01 17:01发布


I have one screen login with home comes with menu, 4 tabs . Like home, about, location, more.And in this case menu working fine. When i login, i use this below code to navigate the screen to home pagewith all tabs , menu. That time its working fine.


And when i am in about screen . I have one button to show some data and when user press ok button it will show one screen with some score data:

this is that screen code:

  <ion-navbar color="navcolr" no-border-bottom>
    <ion-title >Exam Score</ion-title>
<ion-content padding fullscreen>

      <ion-card style="width: 91%;">

      <div style="font-size: 20px;text-align: center;">
        <span>Your Score : {{this.correctans}}</span>


      <button ion-button style="width: 152px !important;margin-left: 23%;" (click)="cancelBtn()">CANCEL</button>


This above screen will be a modalCtrl . So above you can see cancelbuton know. Once i press that it will go to taps pages.

Here that code :

cancelBtn() {

So its going to my home page with all menu icon, tap icon... But tabs are working.


I tried with dismiss viewcontrollerBut its dismiss only the view , so that still in my question page.....but i need to go to my tabspage...How can i do this ?


in modal page

import {ViewController} from 'ionic-angular';


    private view: ViewController
 ) {}


closeModal() { //handler to close modal.