Use case :
- an ordered ListView (or TableView)
- insertions are made after display
- updates of the keys are made after display
List at startup:
After adding 18:
After update:
As you can see nothing change!
The code:
public final class SortedListTest extends Application {
public void start( Stage stage ) throws Exception {
final ObservableList<IntegerProperty> il =
il.add( new SimpleIntegerProperty( 12 ));
il.add( new SimpleIntegerProperty( 24 ));
il.add( new SimpleIntegerProperty( 36 ));
final Button add = new Button( "Add 18" );
final Button update = new Button( "Update 24 to 8" );
final HBox ctrl = new HBox( 4.0, add, update );
final ListView<IntegerProperty> listVw =
new ListView<>( new SortedList<>( il, (l,r)-> l.get() - r.get()));
new Scene(
new BorderPane( listVw, ctrl, null, null, null ), 180, 120 ));;
add.setOnAction( e -> {
il.add( new SimpleIntegerProperty( 18 ));
System.err.println( "--------------" ); System.err::println );
update.setOnAction( e -> {
il.get( 1 ).set( 8 );
System.err.println( "--------------" ); System.err::println );
public static void main( String[] args ) {
launch( args );
IntegerProperty [value: 12]
IntegerProperty [value: 24]
IntegerProperty [value: 36]
IntegerProperty [value: 18]
IntegerProperty [value: 12]
IntegerProperty [value: 8]
IntegerProperty [value: 36]
IntegerProperty [value: 18]
We can see the model is correctly updated but not the view, why?
Working Example
(After accepting the very simple but good answer of James_D:)
Here is a full sample with a record of properties to illustrate the solution:
public final class SortedListTest extends Application {
class Record {
final IntegerProperty _key = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
final StringProperty _value = new SimpleStringProperty();
Record( int k, String v ) {
_key .set( k );
_value.set( v );
public String toString() {
return "Key = " + _key.get() + ", value = " + _value.get();
public void start( Stage stage ) throws Exception {
final ObservableList<Record> il =
rec -> new Observable[]{ rec._key });
il.add( new Record( 12, "Douze" ));
il.add( new Record( 24, "Vingt quatre" ));
il.add( new Record( 36, "Trente six" ));
final Button add = new Button( "Add 18" );
final Button update = new Button( "Update 24 to 8" );
final HBox ctrl = new HBox( 4.0, add, update );
final SortedList<Record> sortedList =
il.sorted((l,r)->, r._key.get()));
final ListView<Record> listVw = new ListView<>( sortedList );
stage.setScene( new Scene(
new BorderPane( listVw, ctrl, null, null, null ), 200, 140 ));;
add.setOnAction( e -> {
il.add( new Record( 18, "Dix huit" ));
System.err.println( "--------------" ); System.err::println );
update.setOnAction( e -> {
il.get( 1 )._key.set( 8 );
System.err.println( "--------------" ); System.err::println );
public static void main( String[] args ) {
launch( args );
And the result: