If I have the below piece of code, how would I make it produce Answer= 5 and Answer2= 10?
. I run the goal ?- test(Data),lpsolve(Data, [Answer1,Answer2]).
test([the, variable, X, is, five,fullstop,
the,variable, Y, is, ten, fullstop]).
lpsolve(Data, [Answer,Answer2]):- sentence(Answer, Data,[]).
sentence(X) --> nounphrase, verbphrase(X).
nounphrase --> [the], [variable].
verbphrase(X) --> [X], [is], [five],[fullstop], {X = 5}.
sentence(Y) --> nounphrase, verbphrase(Y).
nounphrase --> [the], [variable].
verbphrase(Y) --> [Y], [is], [ten],[fullstop], {Y = 10}.
Example of a program that actually runs and is closely related is the following:
test([the, variable, X, is, five,fullstop]).
lpsolve(Data, Answer):- sentence(Answer, Data,[]).
sentence(X) --> nounphrase, verbphrase(X).
nounphrase --> [the], [variable].
verbphrase(X) --> [X], [is], [five],[fullstop], {X = 5}.
I have just one sentence to test and the goal succeeds as shown below.
?- test(Data),lpsolve(Data, Answer).
Data = [the, variable, 5, is, five],
Answer = 5.
I try the following as per the first comment:
test([the, variable, x, is, five,fullstop,
the,variable, y, is, ten, fullstop]).
lpsolve(Data, Answer):- sentence(Answer, Data,[]).
sentence(X) --> nounphrase, verbphrase(X).
nounphrase --> [the], [variable].
verbphrase(X) --> [x], [is], [five],[fullstop], {X = 5}.
verbphrase(Y) --> [y], [is], [ten],[fullstop], {Y = 10}.
I get the following:
-? test(Data),lpsolve(Data, Answer).