I am making a game in SpriteKit and I have a node that is moving back and forth across the screen and repeating using the code:
let moveRight = SKAction.moveByX(frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: 1.5)
let moveLeft = SKAction.moveByX(-frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: 1.5)
let texRight = SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Drake2"))
let texLeft = SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Drake1"))
let moveBackAndForth = SKAction.repeatActionForever(SKAction.sequence([texRight, moveRight, texLeft, moveLeft,]))
I am trying to figure out what method I can use to randomize the duration. Every time moveBackandForth runs, I want it to rerun using a different duration, (within games, not between). If someone could give me some example code to try I would really appreciate it.
Also arc4Random works fine, but it doesn't randomize within the game, only between games.
When you run actions like from your example and randomize duration parameter with something like arc4Random this is actually happening:
- Random duration is set and stored in action.
- Then action is reused in a sequence with a given duration.
Because the action is reused as it is, duration parameter remains the same over time and moving speed is not randomized.
One way to solve this (which I prefer personally) would be to create a "recursive action", or it is better to say, to create a method to run desired sequence and to call it recursively like this :
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
let shape = SKSpriteNode(color: UIColor.redColor(), size: CGSize(width: 20, height: 20))
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
shape.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.frame) , CGRectGetMidY(self.frame)+60 )
func randomNumber() ->UInt32{
var time = arc4random_uniform(3) + 1
return time
func move(){
let recursive = SKAction.sequence([
SKAction.moveByX(frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: NSTimeInterval(randomNumber())),
SKAction.moveByX(-frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: NSTimeInterval(randomNumber())),
shape.runAction(recursive, withKey: "move")
To stop the action, you remove its key ("move").
I don't have any project where I can try right now.
But you might want to try this :
let action = [SKAction runBlock:^{
double randTime = 1.5; // do your arc4random here instead of fixed value
let moveRight = SKAction.moveByX(frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: randTime)
let moveLeft = SKAction.moveByX(-frame.size.width/2.8, y: 0, duration: randTime)
let texRight = SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Drake2"))
let texLeft = SKAction.setTexture(SKTexture(imageNamed: "Drake1"))
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([texRight, moveRight, texLeft, moveLeft])
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(action)
Let me know if it helped.