I'm trying to format a Ultragridcell
using the following code and it works fine.
DefaultEditorOwnerSettings editorSettings;
DateTimeEditor datetime_editor;
editorSettings = new DefaultEditorOwnerSettings()
editorSettings.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
editorSettings.MaskInput = "mm/dd/yyyy";
datetime_editor = new DateTimeEditor(new DefaultEditorOwner(editorSettings));
e.Row.Cells["DateInfo"].Editor = datetime_editor;
But when I try to format
like the below code, it fails.
DefaultEditorOwnerSettings editorSettings;
DateTimeEditor datetime_editor;
editorSettings = new DefaultEditorOwnerSettings()
editorSettings.DataType = typeof(DateTime);
editorSettings.MaskInput = "D";
datetime_editor = new DateTimeEditor(new DefaultEditorOwner(editorSettings));
e.Row.Cells["DateInfo"].Editor = datetime_editor;
Is that only the custom formatting
that too only limited types works with the cell or i'm wrong somewhere.
Need an advice on this.