I got dataset as follow :
"_id" : ObjectId("592d4f43d69b643ac0cb9148"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-03-01T16:58:00.000Z"),
"Technique-Meteo_Direction moyenne du vent_Mean value wind direction[]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Meteo_Précipitations_Precipitation status[]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Meteo_Direction du vent_Wind direction[]" : 0.0
/* 5 */
"_id" : ObjectId("592d4f43d69b643ac0cb9149"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-03-01T17:09:00.000Z"),
"Technique-Meteo_Direction moyenne du vent_Mean value wind direction[]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Meteo_Précipitations_Precipitation status[]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Meteo_Direction du vent_Wind direction[]" : 0.0
/* 6 */
"_id" : ObjectId("592d3a6cd69b643ac0cae395"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-30T09:31:00.000Z"),
"Technique-Electrique_Prises de Courant_Power1[W]" : 14.0,
"Technique-Electrique_Eclairage_Power2[W]" : 360.0,
"Technique-Electrique_Electroménager_Power3[W]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Electrique_VMC Aldes_Power4[W]" : 14.0,
"Technique-Electrique_VMC Unelvent_Power5[W]" : 8.0
/* 7 */
"_id" : ObjectId("592d3a6cd69b643ac0cae396"),
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-01-30T09:32:00.000Z"),
"Technique-Electrique_Prises de Courant_Power1[W]" : 15.0,
"Technique-Electrique_Eclairage_Power2[W]" : 365.0,
"Technique-Electrique_Electroménager_Power3[W]" : 0.0,
"Technique-Electrique_VMC Aldes_Power4[W]" : 14.0,
"Technique-Electrique_VMC Unelvent_Power5[W]" : 8.0
There are an "_id", a "timestamp" and multiple sensors fields. The number of sensor is not consistent. With an interface, I chose numerous sensors which I want to include in my query. This choice is stored in a list where each item is the name of the sensor.
example :
self.chosenSensors = ["Technique-Electrique_VMC Aldes_Power4[W]", "Technique-Electrique_VMC Unelvent_Power5[W]"]
I would like to calculate the average of values of each chosen sensor. I already did it but I do a query for each sensor.
In the following example, I show you that. (Don't consider the date aggregation, it is the next step)
page2.currentColl].aggregate([{"$match":{chosenSensor:{"$exists": True}}}, {"$group":{"_id":{"year":{"$year":"$timestamp"}, "month":{"$month":"$timestamp"}}, "average":{"$avg": chosenSensorAverage}}}])
Result (each average is in a new document):
{'_id': {'year': 2017, 'month': 4}, 'average': 1475.3685814315352}
{'_id': {'year': 2017, 'month': 3}, 'average': 1374.3771154414906}
{'_id': {'year': 2017, 'month': 4}, 'average': 37.55591753379364}
{'_id': {'year': 2017, 'month': 3}, 'average': 37.459350662153724}
What I would like to get is the following :
"Avg_Technique-Meteo_Direction moyenne du vent_Mean value wind direction[]" : 0.0,
"Avg_Technique-Meteo_Précipitations_Precipitation status[]" : 0.0,
"Avg_Technique-Meteo_Direction du vent_Wind direction[]" : 0.0
"Avg_Technique-Electrique_Prises de Courant_Power1[W]" : 14.5,
"Avg_Technique-Electrique_Eclairage_Power2[W]" : 362.5,
"Avg_Technique-Electrique_Electroménager_Power3[W]" : 0.0,
"Avg_Technique-Electrique_VMC Aldes_Power4[W]" : 14.0,
"Avg_Technique-Electrique_VMC Unelvent_Power5[W]" : 8.0
I've been given a hint which is (By Neil Lunn) :
You could possibly make the statement longer and get the "counts" and "sums" for each using $ifNull to determine when to increment. Then you would $divide "after" the $group pipeline stage to get the final "average".
As noted, the "key names" seem the larger problem to me and would probably be better handled by moving them to "values" within elements of an array
The first problem for me is that I don't know how to use my sensors list in the query. Other problems will probably come after this one is resolved.