Best way to read/edit/add to the googlecode wiki o

2019-03-01 11:08发布


I finally after too much of pondering started my project on googlecode. One of the best features I liked about googlecode was the revision control for wiki, where I can add/edit the wiki pages locally offline and then commit/push later.

I have pulled the wiki to my local repository, is there any good googlecode-wiki-toolbar-attached editor for googlecode wiki, as from my knowledge evey wiki has its own syntax for writing.

Or if someone is also using a local repository for, what practice are they following for writing the document for online collaborations.


After lot of googling, I think the only way is

download the wiki-repository, and edit pages manually through Vim or any text editor following the wikiSyntax. Then do an

hg commit / hg add -- based on if u edited or added a file.

and then,

hg push

to upload your files to the main wiki


Well, if you have saved the whole wiki, can't you open that up in your browser and just edit it like any other Wiki?