I'm currently working on a little PowerShell Script to reset a users Outlook Profile on a remote machine.
Before the necessary profile stuff can be done I want to check if Outlook is already running on the remote machine and, if it is, stop it gracefully. I don't want to kill the process so it can do its necessary clean-up and syncing.
When I connect to the machine with an Administrative User and execute the following commands:
Enter-PSSession $remoteMachine
$outlookProcess = Get-Process outlook
I ontly get
as a "return Value"
Killing the Process with:
Stop-Process $outlookProcess
The Process im trying to close was not started by the Administrative user im connecting with, so at first i thougth maybe I'm not allowed to manipulate in this users context, but if I do the same thing on my local machine (Starting the process with a "normal" user and then using CloseMainWindow() with an Administrative user) it closes the Process without any problems.
So my question is how would I close this remote process gracefully?