Currently I'm populating my tableviewcells with the contents of multiple arrays representing a name, id, etc.
My question comes when I start to use the search display controller. I have an array with a list of names, a list of IDs, a list of barcodes, and a list of Aliases. When the user types in the search bar I need to be able to search all 4 arrays. When it finds the result in 1 array it has to pair the result with the 3 other arrays..
- Names (apple,carrot,banana, dog)
- alias (red, orange, yellow, brown)
- barcode (1,2,10,20)
- id (30, 40, 50, 60)
So if the user types "a" I should populate the table view with Apple, Carrot, Banana and the associated alias, barcode, id.
If the user were to type 2 I should only get carrot and dog.
If the user were to type 0 I would get all of those items.
Any ideas how to accomplish this?
UPDATE: This is how I did it.
-(BOOL)searchDisplayController:(UISearchDisplayController *)controller shouldReloadTableForSearchString:(NSString *)searchString {
BOOL shouldReturn = FALSE;
[searchResults removeAllObjects];
for (int i = 0; i < [itemIDRows count]; i++) {
BOOL foundResult = FALSE;
if ([[itemIDRows objectAtIndex:i] rangeOfString:searchString].location != NSNotFound) {
foundResult = TRUE;
if ([[nameRows objectAtIndex:i] rangeOfString:searchString].location != NSNotFound) {
foundResult = TRUE;
if ([[barcodeRows objectAtIndex:i] rangeOfString:searchString].location != NSNotFound) {
foundResult = TRUE;
if ([[aliasRows objectAtIndex:i] rangeOfString:searchString].location != NSNotFound) {
foundResult = TRUE;
if (foundResult) {
NSNumber *result = [NSNumber numberWithInt:i];
if ([self searchResults] == nil) {
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self setSearchResults:array];
[array release];
[searchResults addObject:result];
shouldReturn = YES;
return shouldReturn;
Then when I'm populating the tableview I do something like this
if ([tableView isEqual:self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView]) {
[cell setCellContentsName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [nameRows objectAtIndex:[[searchResults objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] integerValue]]];
} else {
[cell setCellContentsName:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [nameRows objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];
However when I type something like 9999 it brings up instances where only 1 9 is in the ID or barcode. Any ideas how to fix that?
UPDATE2: Solved the problem by having the list always refresh instead of only reloading the data if a result was found. Now it works perfectly :D