I'm going to generate a PDF report using FPDF library, but the output is blank. There is no error displayed, how can I fix this problem?
Anyway, I tried this code in LOCALHOST and it works perfectly, but when I upload it to the cloud, there's no output to be displayed.. I tried to make the function output like this..
$this->fpdf->OUTPUT('try.pdf','I'); but nothing happens..
NOTE: In my output, C:/backup/employee_..php, the output is in the folder, there's no error and it works fine.. but when I upload this one, there no output to be display
This is my CONTROLLER:
public function backup_employees_pdf()
$this->fpdf =new FPDF('L', 'mm', 'Legal', true, 'UTF-8', false);
//load data
$data = array();
$row = $this->m_employee->load_data_employees();
$data = $row->result();
// Whatever written here will come in header of the pdf file.
$this->fpdf->Cell(50,10,'Employee File Management Website',0,0,'C');
$this->fpdf->Cell(50,10,'3F Room 305 Jackson Bldg. 926 Arnaiz Ave., San Loreno Village Makati City, 1223 PHILIPPINES',0,0,'C');
$this->fpdf->Cell(50,10,'Tel. (632) 810-4026 * 810-9121',0,0,'C');
$this->fpdf->Cell(50,10,'Email: mpowerstaff@yahoo.com',0,0,'C');
$this->fpdf->Cell(50,10,'Employees Report',0,0,'C');
// Colors, line width and bold font
$this->fpdf->SetFont('', 'B');
// Header
$w = array(35,80,40,40,40,40,61);
//border LRTB
$this->fpdf->Cell(90,10,'NAME',1,0,'C', 'LR');
$this->fpdf->Cell(60,10,'ACCOUNT NUMBER',1,0,'C', 'LR');
$this->fpdf->Cell(60,10,'ADDRESS',1,0,'C', 'LR');
$this->fpdf->Cell(60,10,'BIRTHDAY',1,0,'C', 'LR');
$this->fpdf->Cell(60,10,'CONTACT NO.',1,0,'C', 'LR');
// Color and font restoration
$this->fpdf->SetFillColor(224, 235, 255);
$fill = 0;
foreach($data as $empsItem)
$this->fpdf->Cell(20, 5,'Total Employees: '.$row->num_rows(), '', 0, 'LR', 0);
$this->fpdf->Cell(0,10,'Copyright. All Rights Reserved',0,0,'C');
$this->fpdf->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->fpdf->PageNo().' of {nb}',0,0,'C');
$dir = 'C:/backup/';
$filename = "employee report";
//====THIS IS MY MODEL===//
public function load_data_employees()
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT concat(e_first_name,' ',e_middle_name,' ',e_last_name) AS 'name',account_number AS 'account_no',address AS 'address',birthday AS 'birthday',contact_number AS 'contact_no'FROM tb_emp where status='available'");
return $query;
//== CONFIG.PHP==//
$config['fonts_path']= "./system/fonts/font/";
that's the details. I tried to fix this but still, there no output.