i've got data like this:
1 street\n2street\nmycity\nmytown
What i want to do is replace \n with char(10) as i need a real linebreak in the db field.
I've got:
UPDATE data set `value` = REPLACE(`value`,'\n', char(10)) WHERE `key`='shipping_address';
But that is not working.
Can anyone help please?
UPDATE data set `value` = REPLACE(`value`,'\\n', CHAR(10)) WHERE `key`='shipping_address';
You forgot to escape the \
like this:
UPDATE data set `value` = REPLACE(`value`,'\\n', char(10)) WHERE `key`='shipping_address';
Double the backslash to escape it and treat it as a literal:
UPDATE data set `value` = REPLACE(`value`,'\\n', char(10)) WHERE `key`='shipping_address';
New line character is either '\n' (Line Feed) or '\r' (Carriage return) individually, or CR followed by LF '\r\n' depending on the os.
UPDATE data set `value` = REPLACE(`value`,'\r' or '\n' or '\r\n', char(10)) WHERE `key`='shipping_address';
My case: It didn't work because I thought that it had \n but it had \r
update [Table] set [column]=replace(convert([column] using utf8) ,'\r','');
I wanted to actually replace line endings in my columns. This worked for me:
UPDATE `table`
`column` = REPLACE(`column`, char(13), '');
char(13) is carriage return and char(10) is line feed. You may have either.