Tastypie return data from DELETE requests?

2019-03-01 06:33发布


I have a simple resource that I would like perform a DELETE. On success I would like to get the ID of the object that was deleted. As per the docs, always_return_data - Specifies all HTTP methods (except DELETE) should return a serialized form of the data.


class SimpleResource(resources.MongoEngineResource):
    class Meta:
        queryset = Simple.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'simple'
        allowed_methods = ('get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'patch')
        always_return_data = True

Question: Is there anyway to serialize data to return the object that was deleted?


Looking at the source and documentation for tastypie, it looks like you'll need to override two functions of ModelResource (which MongoEngineResource inherits):

  1. obj_delete which deletes the object.

  2. delete-detail which is called on a DELETE request and calls obj_delete then returns a 204 No Content or 404 Not Found

I haven't worked with tastypie so this is all from looking at the documentation, but it's at least a starting point. You'll need to do something like this to your class:

class SimpleResource(resources.MongoEngineResource):
    class Meta:
        queryset = Simple.objects.all()
        resource_name = 'simple'
        allowed_methods = ('get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'patch')
        always_return_data = True

    def obj_delete(self, bundle, **kwargs):
            # get an instance of the bundle.obj that will be deleted
            deleted_obj = self.obj_get(bundle=bundle, **kwargs)
        except ObjectDoesNotExist:
            raise NotFound("A model instance matching the provided arguments could not be found.")
        # call the delete, deleting the obj from the database
        super(MongoEngineResource, self).obj_delete(bundle, **kwargs)
        return deleted_obj

    def delete_detail(self, request, **kwargs):
        bundle = Bundle(request=request)

            # call our obj_delete, storing the deleted_obj we returned
            deleted_obj = self.obj_delete(bundle=bundle, **self.remove_api_resource_names(kwargs))
            # build a new bundle with the deleted obj and return it in a response
            deleted_bundle = self.build_bundle(obj=deleted_obj, request=request)
            deleted_bundle = self.full_dehydrate(deleted_bundle)
            deleted_bundle = self.alter_detail_data_to_serialize(request, deleted_bundle)
            return self.create_response(request, deleted_bundle, response_class=http.HttpNoContent)
        except NotFound:
            return http.HttpNotFound()