Possible Duplicate:
to fit iframe to its content height
As is described in the title of the question. I'm looking for a way to adjust the height of my iframe according to the height of the website that my iframe is hosting. Because I need to get rid of the vertical scroll of my iframe. And at the same time, I don't want to set a very huge static height to my iframe, as this is not nice when I have pages with small heights.
I've found many solutions related to my problem, but can't solve my problem:
(*) Changing the iframe's height while iframe is hosting an internal page is easy. You just add the following script to your iframe onload event:
var frame = (document.getElementById) ? document.getElementById("YourFrameID") : document.all["YourFrameID"];
var pageh = document.frames("YourFrameID").document.body.scrollHeight;
frame.style.height = pageh + 'px';
But as would you know, when the src
of the iframe is outside the domain that has the iframe. the script crashes, and produces 'Access denied' error message.
(*) Finally, I know that my goal can be achieved if I have access to the pages that my iframe is hosting. Perhaps the technique is called "Cross-Domain Communication".
HOWEVER, my iframe is aiming to host pages from EXTERNAL websites, and there is NO access to those websites.
This question has been asked many times. Let's get rid of this issue by providing one final answer :)
Or.. let's say that achieving my specific goal is not applicable.
Note that I use ASP.NET 4.0