How to combine (OR) two expression trees

2019-03-01 03:52发布


I have two expression trees of type : Expression<Func<string, bool>> and I would like to obtain a single Expression that will do the OR of the two expressions (passing the same string parameter to both expressions) Any idea?


You can use PredicateBuilder from LINQKit to do this. For example:

Expression<Func<string, bool>> e1 = …;
Expression<Func<string, bool>> e2 = …;
Expression<Func<string, bool>> combined = e1.Or(e2).Expand();


You can try combining them in a Expression.Lambda expression and then using Expression.Or to check if one of them is true.

Here is an example:

Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsRed = c1 => c1.Color == "Red";
Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsCheap = c2 => c2.Price < 10.0;
Expression<Func<Car, bool>> theCarIsRedOrCheap = Expression.Lambda<Func<Car, bool>>(
    Expression.Or(theCarIsRed.Body, theCarIsCheap.Body), theCarIsRed.Parameters.Single());
var query = carQuery.Where(theCarIsRedOrCheap);

Maybe you can get more info here