I spent significant amount of time looking for this and explore many solutions.
This is related to this thread.
Calling Java from Python
In the end, after testing:
Pyjnius : Cannot install in Windows.
Py4J: can install on windows, but using Gateway is a bit heavy.
JPype: Python 3 installed in 5 mins, can load 50Mo JAR without any issues.
Good thing is the syntax is completely merged with Python syntax...
Just Wondering, if any people has developed real world wrapping application of Java in Python (ie running on a production server) with big size JAR ?
To save time to many people, I post the module I used for JPype, this is working nicel to load JAR.
import jpype as jp; import numpy as np; import os as os
jarpath= r"D:\zjavajar\\"
mavenurl= r"http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/"
# StartJVM (add "-Xmx" option with 1024M if crash due to not enough memory )
def importJAR(path1="", path2="", path3="", path4=""):
classpath = path1
if path2 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path2))
if path3 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path3))
if path4 != "": classpath = os.pathsep.join((classpath, path4))
jp.startJVM(jp.getJVMPath(),"-ea", "-Djava.class.path=%s" % classpath)
def showLoadedClass(): #Code to see the JAR loaded.
classloader = jp.java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); vv= [];
for x in classloader.getURLs(): vv.append(x.toString());
return vv
def loadSingleton(class1): single= jp.JClass(class1); return Single.getInstance()
def java_print(x): jp.java.lang.System.out.println(x) #Print in Java Console