I want to create a column in my dataset that calculates the sum of the current row and next row for another field. There are several groups within the data, and I only want to take the sum of the next row if the next row is part of the current group. If a row is the last record for that group I want to fill with a null value.
I'm referencing reading next observation's value in current observation, but still can't figure out how to obtain the solution I need.
For example:
data have;
input Group ID Salary;
10 1 1
10 2 2
10 3 2
10 4 1
11 1 2
11 2 2
11 3 1
11 4 1
The result I want to obtain here is this:
data want;
input Group ID Salary Sum;
10 1 1 3
10 2 2 4
10 3 2 3
10 4 1 .
11 1 2 4
11 2 2 3
11 3 1 2
11 4 1 .
Use BY group processing and a second SET statement that skips the first observation.
data want ;
set have end=eof;
by group ;
if not eof then set have (keep=Salary rename=(Salary=Sum) firstobs=2);
if last.group then Sum=.;
else sum=sum(sum,salary);
Similar to Tom's answer, but using a 'look-ahead' merge (without a by
statement, and firstobs=2
) :
data want ;
merge have
have (firstobs=2
keep=Group Salary
rename=(Group=NextGroup Salary=NextSalary)) ;
if Group = NextGroup then sum = sum(Salary,NextSalary) ;
drop Next: ;
run ;
I found a solution using proc expand
that produced what I needed:
proc sort data = have;
by Group ID;
proc expand data=have out=want method=none;
by Group;
convert Salary = Next_Sal / transformout=(lead 1);
data want(keep=Group ID Salary Sum);
set want;
Sum = Salary + Next_Sal;