I am reading an html file. The file basically contains Unicode texts as follows:
<b>akko- sati (ā + kruś), akkhāti (ā + khyā), abbahati (ā + bṛh)</b>
But the QTextBrowser is not interpreting the Unicode fonts. So the QTextBrowser shows them as follows:
akko- sati (Ä + kruÅ›), akkhÄti (Ä + khyÄ), abbahati (Ä + bá¹›h)
The QTextBrowser is correctly interpreting the html tags. But what’s wrong with the Unicode fonts?
Following are my codes for reading and populating the Unicode contents:
void MainWindow::populateTextBrowser(const QModelIndex &index)
QFile file("Data\\" + index.data().toString() + ".html");
if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text)) {
statusBar()->showMessage("Cannot open file: " + file.fileName());
QTextStream textStream1(&file);
QString string = "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' /><link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='Data/Accessories/qss.css' />";
string += textStream1.readAll();
However, if I do not read the Unicode content from an html file but directly type them into the parameter, then only it interprets the Unicode fonts. For example, if I do as follows it is fine:
ui->textBrowser->setHtml("<b>akko- sati (ā + kruś), akkhāti (ā + khyā), abbahati (ā + bṛh)</b>");
How can I read the Unicode contents from html files and show them in the QTextBrowser?
I shall be very thankful if someone shows me the buggy parts in my codes or tells me a better way of solving my problem.