My form has a cellphone and a phone field. I want the user to fill either one of the fields, or both, but not neither.
I've seen ways to do it in other languages, but could I have some advice on how to do it with Codeigniter?
My form has a cellphone and a phone field. I want the user to fill either one of the fields, or both, but not neither.
I've seen ways to do it in other languages, but could I have some advice on how to do it with Codeigniter?
Just do a JS validation on client-side, and PHP validation on server-side (or use CI's form helper)... Anyway, PHP should look something like this:
if ($_POST['cellphone'] == '' OR $_POST['phone' == '') {
// do stuff like make an notification, alert, etc... and take users back to the form
You can do it as:
$this->form_validation->set_rules('phone', 'Your validation message.', 'callback__phone_check');
And make a function:
function _phone_check() { //check for phone and cellphone field. //make sure one field is not empty and return accordingly }
Hope that helps
Just wanted to throw some quick code snippets your way. I wanted to accomplish this and this question was one of the first entries in google when I did my search. I took inspiration from the other answers and here's what I did which worked for me (YMMV):
$this->form_validation->set_message('contactVerify', 'Either Phone or Email is required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('phone', 'Phone', 'trim|callback_contactVerify[email]|xss_clean');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email', 'trim|callback_contactVerify[phone]|valid_email|xss_clean');
public function contactVerify($contact, $otherField) {
return ($contact != '' || $this->input->post($otherField) != '');
Since this is a very simple validation function, I pre-set the error message so I don't have to set it inside validation function. I pass in the other field I want to check as the second argument via the square brackets.
Hope this is useful.