How can one write code so as to fill in the first ellipsis below, so that the legacy code can be given a reduced argument list?:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// extract 1 or more optional arguments
// forward remaining
LegacyObject leg(argc_2, argv_2);
You can try something like this
int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::vector<char*> legArgv;
for(int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
// extract 1 or more optional arguments
if(isOptional(argv[i])) {
// ...
else {
legArgv.push_back(nullptr); // terminate argument vector
// forward remaining
LegacyObject leg(legArgv.size(), &(legArgv[0]));
The simplest way I can think of is to make a copy of the argument list, filtering out the arguments that the legacy object should not have.
Something like the following pseudo code:
new_argc = 0;
new_argv = new char*[argc];
for (each argument in argc)
if (should the argument be copied)
new_argv[new_argc++] = argv[current_argv_index];
new_argv[new_argc++] = nullptr;
// ...
LegacyObhect leg(new_argc, new_argv);
// ...