Can I Skip Junit Tests if other tests fail?

2019-02-28 20:33发布


I'm using Junit to run tests with Seleniun WebDriver. I'm trying to split up my tests into function area for better error reporting. I've created tests to test Page load/moving documents to other workflows. If a page load test fails, or a workflow move fails I want to skip the subsequent page/workflow tests.

if a Test A fails how can I skip either the rest of the tests in the class or running tests in Class B?

NOTE: I realize what I'm asking is "bad Practice* for UNIT TESTS. However, I'm actually using Junit for Integration and/or Automation Testing. (Depending on your definition.) I've already found @Suite.SuiteClasses, and @FixMethodOrder to order my test classes and test methods. I'm trying to order them to run logically, testing the page load, first, then each feature of the page as a seperate test. Some of the features, move the information to other pages, meanining other classes. 1 of my classes can take over 1/2 hour to finish. If the pre-req tests fail, I'd like to short circuite the "Dependent" tests, in order to get my results/report sooner.


I suggest you switching to TestNG. Check this out.

Btw:When I used to work with Java - almost one year ago - I didn't find such a solution for JUnit.


You could try manipulating the tests via the Rules interface, they have an example here:

That might be a good starting point.